Design for Learning Workshops

Design for the Learning Brain incorporates what we know about the brain and applies it to the design of any learning experience, such as a lesson, meeting, staff training, resource, online course, museum exhibit, and more!

  • Gain valuable insights from neuroscience on neurodiversity in your site or organization.

  • Focus on how to design for learning that taps into the strengths of your team.

  • Better understand how bias and background experiences impact the culture and productivity of your site.

  • Dive into understanding the learning brain, including topics on attention, memory, executive function, motivation, emotions, and more. Make connections to your current work and gain new strategies for how to design your content to maximize what we know about learning and the brain.

  • Emotions are not separate from learning - emotions enable learning. Learn about emotions and the brain to make connections to your current routines and structures. Gain new ideas and strategies to maximize engagement and learning.

  • Science educators: want to see inclusive design in a science classroom, makerspace, or lab? While this session focuses on STEAM, connections can be made to other content areas.

  • Change is hard- whether it is trying to change our diet, exercise routine, or teaching practices. Explore how the Unlearning Cycle supports you to trade up for new ways of doing- whatever your inclusive goals may be!

  • Become a part of a neural network simulation to experience how we learn. This one-of-a-kind interactive experience deepens understanding of how we learn and differences in learning, such as dyslexia, attention, bias, and trauma.

    *Ideal for groups of ~25-60 participants and 1.5 - 3 hours.

  • In this workshop, you bring your own lesson, material, or content to re-design. We use collaboration protocols to design for inclusive learning. Works for any age, content area, or setting.

Workshop Pricing

Reach out to discuss pricing.

We offer flexible opportunities for all kinds of collaboration, including online, hybrid, and face to face options. We will customize to meet your specific goals. 

“This was such a powerful workshop filled with stories, strategies, and new ideas!” - participant